Broken Pipe Repair in Twin Falls, Idaho

Annual Plumbing Inspections

It’s been said that prevention is better than a cure, and it definitely rings true in the area of home maintenance. For homeowners, having annual inspections of various areas and functions of their home is always a good investment, as inspections help prevent future problems while looking for any current ones. And having an annual plumbing inspection is no exception to this rule.

Unfortunately, a plumbing inspection isn’t something many homeowners think about having. If you’re a homeowner and have never had a plumbing inspection, or if you haven’t had one in over a year, now is the perfect time to contact your plumber and schedule some long overdue preventative maintenance for those pipes!

During an inspection, your plumber will typically look for damages or leaks (as well as the potential for these dangers) in the following areas:

  • Toilet
  • Bathtub/Shower
  • Sinks
  • Water Heater
  • Shut-Off Valves
  • Outdoor Water Sources
  • Washing Machine
  • Any Additional Water Sources

Ask your plumber ahead of time what areas they’ll be checking so that you know what’s included in your inspection, and make sure your plumber is aware of any additional water sources or drainage areas in your home or on your property. And of course, inform him or her about any concerns you may have or things you’ve noticed regarding your plumbing over the past year.

Having an annual check-up with our doctor is good for our health, and it’s the exact same for our home’s plumbing system. Call us today and schedule your annual plumbing inspection today!